Amortized optimization and AI

2024 | Powerpoint | PDF

AI and optimization systems are widely deployed in today's computing landscape. AI systems have a remarkable capacity to make abstractions and predictions about the world while optimization systems drive decision-making, control, and robotic systems that reason and interact with the world. These technologies are already intertwined and overlapping, and optimization-based reasoning systems will continue playing a crucial role in AI systems as they continue advancing towards general intelligence. Connecting to Kahneman's modes on thought, explicitly forming and solving an optimization problem is akin to "System 2" (i.e., slow thinking), while rapidly predicting a solution to the problem can be seen as "System 1" (i.e., fast thinking). AI systems can interact with optimization solvers via a "System 2" approach by using optimization as a tool, where humans can also inject domain knowledge or safety constraints and guardrails, or via "System 1" by learning to rapidly predict (or [amortize]( solutions to the optimization problems. This talk focuses on the amortization process of distilling the solutions to optimization problems into a fast, predictive model. We highlight a few recent developments in: 1) amortizing transportation between measures ([Meta Optimal Transport]( and [Meta Flow Matching]( These methods have applications in computational biology for predicting how a population of cells will be transported given an initial population and treatment. 2) amortizing [convex conjugates]( and [Lagrangian paths](, including geodesic computations. These significantly improve neural optimal transport methods repeatedly solving these subproblems, and are of broader interest anywhere repeatedly conjugating or solving path planning problems. 3) [amortizing language model prompt optimization and adversarial attacks]( This setting involves repeatedly searching over the prompt space for every new prompt to jailbreak a target model, and amortization involves learning a language model that generates prompt-conditional suffixes that solve this optimization problem. Amortizing these problems attains state-of-the-art results and human-interpretable prompt modifications on the standard AdvBench settings that also transfer to closed-source black-box LLM APIs.